work in progress

Stuck in the Middle (Dopul scuza mijloacele)
2012 - Romania - 3D - Colour

When citizen Zbieniew ends up stuck in a ditch, the media rushes for the story but no one does anything to help. Why? It’s simple: no legal procedures specify what has to be done in such situations. Nor who should do it.

  • making of
  • synopsis
  • Stuck in the Middle, is the story of Mr. Zbiegniew (Alexandru Bindea) citizen of a timeless town, who falls and remains stuck in a ditch, the cover having been stolen during that same night. The small incident becomes notorious, target of the newspapers’ first page and of all the local TV channels, while no one interferes to help the poor man. Everybody – the public, the media as well as the police remain passive, waiting for a sign from the Public Authority. One after the other, from the Mayor to the Prime Minister and even the Chief of the Union show up on the spot, look around, analyse, then simply leave. There are no procedures for this kind of situations! It is a film that vibrates with the hilarity and the hopeless agony we deal with in our every day world.
  • photo gallery

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