Alexandru Spataru

Born in Bucharest, Romania on August 20th, 1967


1989-Licensed in Cinematography University of Film and Theatre, , I.A.T.C.- I.L. Caragiale Bucuresti Bucharest, Romania

As writer/producer/cinematographer:

•  Producer short film 3D “Dopul Scuza mijloacele”/ Stuck in the Middle
•  Producer feature “ Cutia de Ghete”/The Shoebox
•  Co-screenwiter “ Cutia de Ghete/based on a novella by Titus Popovici”
•  Co-screenwiter “ Era Varsatorului/Age of the Aquarius, based on a idea by Ovidiu Niculescu
•  Cinematographer /DOP at over 100 documentry films and docu-dramas for screen and television (De Craciun Ne-am luat Ratia de Libertate/We took aour Freedom Ratio on Christmas-1990)

National and International Awards

•  UCIN -Union of Romanian Filmakers Award – Drumul Trilogiei (The Trilogy Road )
•  Silver Sester” Award –Nyon International Film Festival (Switzerland): De Craciun Ne-am luat Ratia de Libertate
•  Tampere International Short Film Festival Grand Prix (Finland): De Craciun Ne-am luat Ratia de Libertate

Other experience:

• Memebership UCIN -Union of Romanian Filmakers
•  Producer and creator of over 25 advertising campaigns in Romania, Bulgaria, Albania
•  Associate professor at S.N.S.P.A. Bucuresti/Advertising creation and production class
•  Founding member of the Romanian Union of Advertising Agencies
•  International Advertising Association membership

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